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10 Things only time wasters Do and you need to avoid

I waste time, procrastinate a lot, think about starting something and never start. Thinking about what others think. I waste my time by watching TV, scrolling mobile. I write some goals and never consistent with it. Sometimes my ill health cause me to waste my time.

I wanted to be productive ,don’t want to waste my valuable time on pleasure. I want to focus on building my dream.

The external struggle was that I am not successful , not making any money. If I stop wasting my time by doing consistent work I will become successful.

I feel that I controlled by my emotions and not have control over my emotions.. I regret myself for this.

I started wasting so much time and think “I will start tomorrow”.and never start. The problem starts growing.

Suddenly one day I find a post that point out why people waste time. That hit me at right time and I’m also doing all those things. After reading the post that will change my life and help me become productive.

I created a plan and write down the things that I do all day and when I waste time. Start tracking my behavior what triggers me to do certain things.

After reading the post I think ” I can stop wasting my time fast”. But it does not it takes time and work to become productive.

Then practicing every day and tracking my behavior everyday. At the end I become productive and become successful at controlling myself. Work for my goal everyday and become consistent.

In this post I’m going to help you with wasting time and find your trigger point. What points you to waste time.

1: Wait for inspiration

Time wasters wait for inspiration to work. Inspiration or motivation doesn’t last long. We hope for same type of feeling to come than we start working. Not all day is the same. Someday we feel overmotivated, stressed, anxious, ill health, overwhelmed, tired. That’s why discipline is more important than motivation. When you become disciplined no matter how you feel you never stop working , you don’t let any other feeling stop you.

2: Worry about what people will say

This is the main reason why people don’t get started. They think what others think about them when they do what theyre considering. Like, talking at the stage , we fear about people. What if this happen? What if that happen?. Rather than focus on positive we focus more on negative. By thinking or worrying it not going to solve the problem. By facing your fear you become confident. So don’t waste time on this.

3: Complaining

Not taking responsibility about your problems. Complaining or blaming other people for your problems. Become responsible for your life. Stop complaining.

4: Trying to please everybody

Before I also waste my most valuable time because of pleasing someone.I put other people at the top of the ladder and myself down. I thought I need to please somebody to get approved. After I realize it wastes a lot of time and the people that i’m pleasing who don’t care about me.

When people please someone it is a waste of time. because people use you for their own benefit.People use you. You lose your respect and lose your very important asset time. you think you want approval from other people. But by focusing or building your life you gain love and respect more than you want.

5: Comparing Yourself

What happen with me is after comparing myself with other I feel low , worry more, become distracted, overthinking. Before comparing I understand in myself completely different energy. , energized, positive energy. Comparing is a negative habit that ruin your whole day with just a single thought. Become aware of this thought when you find yourself comparing.

6: Repeating the same mistakes

Without learning from your mistakes and repeating the same mistakes again and again. You are wasting so much time because of that. Journaling is the best thing I do to become self aware where i write what happen during the day, what i learnt from the situation. When I find myself repeating the mistake again I remember and never the same mistake again.

7: Perfectionalism

We always want to be perfect. Never want to make any mistake. Think if I do something wrong what people will think of me. In everything that we do all day we want to be perfect how we dress, how we talk, how we walk much more. Because we don’t want to make a mistake that’s why we don’t get started. Without making any mistake how we learn and grow. Remember how we learn to ride bike. Without making any mistake ? No.

8: The fear of failure

We fear failure so much what people think of us when we fail. We think failure first than success. Without trying and taking any step how do you know you fail Either you learn and grow. Don’t let fear of failure hold you achieving your full potential or your dream.

9: Lack of priorities

When we don’t have a clear sense of purpose we distract ourselves with pleasure. When you have clear why , what you do and why you do it.

This is the main reason why people get distracted.

First you need to write down everything you want to achieve. then write what you will do to achieve it. Make a to-do list for the tasks.

10: Not living your life

Not living your life means , not living the present moment. We waste so much our time thinking about past and future and not giving your all to the present moment.

I hope you like this post, By stop doing the things that I wrote you become unstoppable.

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