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Never become Afraid after reading this

The fear response arises from the perception of danger leading to confrontation with or escape from avoiding the threat. What we fear doing is always the most important thing for all of us. Its becomes really hard to leave comfort zone. Fear is closely related to the emotion anxiety, which occurs as the result of threats that are perceived to be uncontrollable or unavoidable.

The exercise it is taken from the book ” The four Hour Workweek” by Tim erriss. He called this process fear setting that really helps me that’s why Im sharing with you the process how it can also help you.

Let’s start the process.

#1 Define your nightmare

Define the worst that could happen if you did what you are considering. Most of us have the same nightmares Like What happen if I don’t succeed? What others think? What happen if I fail? When someone laugh at me , how will I respond? What my family think when I don’t succeed?

These are all the nightmares what I have and most of us have. You start to recognize these are all in your mind. Nothing in real life. Make it opposite and think What will happen if you succeed ? . Everything will change so why not do it. Nightmare is nothing compare to success.

#2 Repair the damage

What steps could you take to repair the damage or get things back on the upswing even if temporary?

For mine, What I do is take continuous action even if small step possible. If I want to write a book , I would write daily one page or show up daily even If I don’t feel like doing. Take one more example, If you want to have six pack abs so what would you do. You definitely go to the gym, eat healthy, do it consistently.Imagine yourself to be fit and have six pack abs.

Doing something small daily is really helpful for any type of change you want to see in your life. If you want to live life, live everyday like it is your last day.

#3 Benefits of probable scenarios

Flip the nightmare. What you see the changes when you start doing and become successful?. You’ll definitely have confidence, financial freedom, fame, loved, respected, be your own boss. or so much more.

#4 Don’t put out because of fear

“What we fear doing is actually what we most need to do”. Resolve to do one thing every day that you fear.Fear is what hold us back. without practice or without doing how can you achieve what you want to achieve. So small every day.If you want to be productive learn to say no. If you want to be confident talk to opposite gender confidently. That’s are the small steps that lead to greater achievement.

#5 What is costing you- financially, emotionally, physically to postpone action.

If everything is under control why are you wasting time. In this digital era if you have mobile or internet you can learn any skill or post anything and become successful. I know some of the creators they start out with just mobile not they have millionaires. You just need to believe in you and nothing can stop you from doing what you are considering. If you put your mind to it. You’ll definitely become successful.

If you telescope 10 years from now and you know with 100% certainty you have everything but you don’t started.You feel disappointment and regret.


Follow these steps when you feel fear,And you saw that this is a opportunity after your mind start giving you nightmare if it don’t go well. You need to flip the nightmare with positive benefits that’s when you know the difference and how much important the task is.

These are really helpful try it.

  • Define your nightmare
  • Repair the damage
  • Benefits of prabable scenarios
  • Don’t put out because of fear
  • What is costing you- financially, emotionally and physically to postpone action
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