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Read this post If you’re a Good Introvert

I find an amazing post from Quora that I want to share with you today. This post is about introverts, I’m also an introvert. That’s why I find this post so interesting and want to share with you all today. After reading this post you start to feel so much good about yourself to being an introvert. This will change your perspective. How you see yourself? Let’s begin.

Introverts are loyal and devoted and they are attracted to loyal and devoted people

We are loyal and don’t break someone trust and hope everyone to do the same for us. But when they don’t do like we hope them to do and break our trust. We stop talking with them. This is what I do when someone break my trust.

We are loyal and attracted to someone who is loyal. In this world lots of people are fake. That’s why we’re alone.

Introverts usually being alone

We are usually being alone. Because we talk less and we take time to become open with anyone. Main reason why we are alone is because we don’t want to approach someone, we gain energy from inside. We love our own company. We don’t want and not doing anything for social status.

Introverts make quality friends

I don’t have any quality friends. because of any point in my life. Everyone breaks my trust. I have a weakness in me I give my 100% trust until they break it. when they break my trust I never talk again in my life.

When someone done something good, we remember and feel like we owe something and want to give it to them.

Introverts enjoy spending time with just one or two people, rather than large group or crowds.

I enjoy spending time with just one friend, I talk, because I want undivided attention. When I have with three or four people I find myself silent because of the divided attention. When we’re in a crowd and we found ourself alone and lonely, want to go home.

Introverts can talk and chat openly even crack jokes with you on social media but in real life they are like ice/shy.

In social media , we talk with anyone or any new people. But In real life we are so shy to talk with any new people. Because we judge other person based on they will judge me or what they think. We find it really hard to talk with any new people. We are anti-social.

Introverts hardly talk in the midst of people but talkative when they are with their loved ones or closed ones.

We listen more and talk less. Talk only when we’re in our closed one.

Introverts are too emotional , sensitive… they hardly cheat and afraid of getting cheated and especially they can read people’s mind before you could say it.

We don’t cheat and afraid of getting cheated.

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