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8 Easy steps to stop comparing yourself to others

In my family everyone compare. Always gossiping about other people what other people are doing, what they’re achieving, how someone looks. Also social media works the same with us. We see their best moments, but don’t usually witness their struggles. We feel guilty of comparing .

When i compare I feel like I’m not good enough. I saw the success without understanding the struggle consistency hard-work. Feel low about myself and want success fast. Stop doing the thing that I need to do.

I know it is bad and I don’t want to compare with anyone only compare with my previous self and make myself better day by day.

But it better said than done. Comparing happen unconsciously without our realization. It happen really fast and I start suddenly feeling negative, feel low energy and change the complete energy.

I regret myself how some outside force can control me. I want to have control over me.

Because of that I waste my day. It take me so much time to become calm again. It waste my so much time.

I listen a podcast where explain how and why we compare. Explain every detail and tell what I need to say. Think its so easy and I can do it.and it completely change me how I see comparing and give me hope that I can stop it.

I created a plan to stop comparing. Write down the notes from the podcast that whenever i need to see. Started following the tips. Start focusing on my breath, meditating.

I thought it is really hard to stop comparing because it becomes a habit. I need to change it with something useful or healthy kind. When we compare we start to feel low about ourselves. It happen unconsciously it is the biggest problem. I need to have self control and able to control my emotion.

By doing over and over and following the tips [that I’m going to share] again and again and I’m able to control myself and stop comparing myself.

I become a completely different person. I’m happy because comparing steal so much our happiness. I am energized and focus and always learn.

Let’s start the tips or ways that you can also stop comparing.

1: Limit your time on social media

Have boundaries around how much time you spend on social media. Unfollow any accounts that tend to make you feel bad about yourself .Turn off your phone when your’re having dinner with your family and freinds being fully present with them will make everyone happier! .When you feel like to check on social media ask yourself Why are you bored uncomfortable.

2: Make a diary of your wins

Be grateful for the goods in your life. Try writing down three things you really like about yourself.

3 learn to compete with yourself instead of others

Comparing happens because we compare ourselves with other people. By competing with ourselves we improve and grow day by day make improvement. And completely transform our life.

4: Don’t compare your life to everyone else’s highlight reel

When someone post a image of himself enjoying, making money and travelling around the world we start to feel low about ourselves feel that your life is a waste. That’s happen only when we want the reward not the hard-work.

If someone making millions of money that means the person works really hard and everyday almost 15 hours a day. If someone is fit and have six pack abs that means he follows the strict diet and consistent going to the gym.

Learn from the people’s success don’t compare and work hard for what you want, you’ll definitely become successful.

5: Focus on your strength

Focus on your stength not on your weakness. Most of the time what we see is other people’s strength and our weakness. This leads to more worry, doubt, negativity in our life. Continue building yourself make yourself from the previous day. Become confident, disciplined, hardworker or anything you want.

6: Realize comparison is a step of mind

It is just a state of mind. It is how our mind perceive the situation by the knowledge the mind have. By focus on bettering yourself and improving yourself you cut half the comparison habit.

Don’t believe your mind. Problem is not the problem how we respond is the problem. By doing so no matter what happen outside you never get affected by anything.

7: Encourage other people

Think good for the other people. Give without hope to receive anything in return. Don’t feel bad about other people learn from them. Learn from them and improve your life.

8: Be aware of your triggers and avoid them

To improve your mental health and emotional well-being, list out the situations and circumstances that make you sad and cynical. Is there someone in your life who often puts you down.

Once you are aware of situations that make you likely to engage in comparisons, you can take action to avoid them.

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